December 17, 2022
• 4 min read
Data Analytics

In this introduction article about Google Tag Manager, you can expect to find out:

After this introductory article about Google Tag Manager, you will have a general overview of the tool and its key features and understand how it can be used to improve tracking and marketing efforts on your website.

What is Google Tag Manager & How it works?

Google Tag Manager is a free tool provided by Google that allows users to easily add, manage, and update tracking tags and code snippets on their websites. It allows marketers, analysts, and other web professionals to quickly and easily make changes to the tracking and marketing codes on their websites without having to involve a web developer. This makes it possible for marketers and other non-technical users to take control of their website tracking and marketing efforts and make changes to their tracking setup without having to wait for a developer to make the changes for them.

Key Benefits of Google Tag manager

One of the key benefits of using Google Tag Manager is that it allows users to quickly and easily add new tracking and marketing tags to their website without having to update the website's code. This means that marketers and other non-technical users can add new tracking and marketing tags to their websites without having to wait for a developer to make the changes for them. This is especially useful for marketers who want to quickly test out new marketing campaigns or tracking setups without having to wait for a developer to make the changes for them.

Google Tag Manager also makes it easy to manage and update the tracking and marketing tags on your website. With Google Tag Manager, you can easily see all of the tracking and marketing tags that are currently installed on your website, and you can quickly make changes to them without having to update the website's code. This means that you can make changes to your tracking and marketing tags on the fly, without having to wait for a developer to make the changes for you.

Another key benefit of using Google Tag Manager is that it allows you to easily track events on your website. With Google Tag Manager, you can create custom event tags that will track specific actions that users take on your website. This can be anything from clicking on a specific button or link to scrolling to a certain point on the page. With this information, you can gain a better understanding of how users are interacting with your website, which can help you make more informed decisions about your marketing and tracking efforts.

Google Tag Manager also makes it easy to set up and manage tags for Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to track the traffic and behaviour of visitors to your website. With Google Tag Manager, you can easily add the Google Analytics tracking code to your website and manage it without updating the website's code. This makes it easy to set up and manage Google Analytics tracking on your website, which can help you gain valuable insights into the performance of your website.

How Google Tag Manager can help your marketing efforts

Overall, Google Tag Manager is a valuable tool for marketers, analysts, and other web professionals who want to easily add, manage and update tracking and marketing tags on their websites. It allows non-technical users to take control of their website tracking and marketing efforts and make changes to their tracking setup without having to involve a web developer. This makes it possible for marketers to quickly test out new marketing campaigns and tracking setups, and it makes it easy to track events and set up Google Analytics tracking on your website.

The key features of Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager has several key features that make it a powerful and useful tool for managing and tracking the various tags and scripts on a website. Some key features include;

Preview and testing

With Google Tag Manager, you can preview and test your tags before they are deployed on your website. This can help to ensure that your tags are working correctly and that they are not causing any problems on your website. You can also use Google Tag Manager to test different versions of your tags and compare their performance to see which ones are most effective.

Tracking and debugging

Google Tag Manager allows you to track and debug your tags to identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. This can help to ensure that your tags are working correctly and that they are providing accurate and useful data.

Tag management

One of the key features of Google Tag Manager is the ability to manage all of your website's tags from a single interface. This can save time and effort, and can help to ensure that your tags are always up-to-date and working correctly.

Triggers and variables

Google Tag Manager allows you to create and manage tags using a variety of different triggers and variables. This means that you can control when and where your tags are fired, and customise them based on specific user actions or events.

Overall, these and other key features of Google Tag Manager make it a powerful and useful tool for managing and tracking the various tags and scripts on a website. By using these features, you can improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your tracking and marketing efforts, and make it easier to manage the various tags on your website.

How to Get Started with Google Tag Manager? 

To get started with Google Tag Manager and use it to manage and optimise the tags on your website, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Google Tag Manager account: Go to the Google Tag Manager website and sign up for a free account. You will need to provide some basic information, such as your name, email address, and website URL.
  2. Install the Google Tag Manager code on your website: Once you have signed up for an account, you will need to install the Google Tag Manager code on your website. This code will allow Google Tag Manager to communicate with your website and manage the tags on it.
  3. Create a new container: After installing the code on your website, you will need to create a new container in Google Tag Manager. This will be the place where you will manage and track the tags on your website.
  4. Add tags to your container: Once you have created a container, you can begin adding tags to it. This can be done by clicking on the "Add a new tag" button and configuring the settings for your tag, such as the type of tag, the trigger for when it should be fired, and any other relevant settings.
  5. Publish your container: After adding tags to your container, you will need to publish it in order for the tags to start working on your website. This can be done by clicking on the "Publish" button in the top-right corner of the Google Tag Manager interface.
  6. Monitor and track your tags: Once your container is published, you can begin monitoring and tracking your tags to see how they are performing on your website. You can use Google Tag Manager to view the data that your tags are collecting, as well as track and debug any issues that may arise.

Overall, getting started with Google Tag Manager is relatively simple and can be done in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined above, you can begin using Google Tag Manager to manage and optimise the tags on your website.

But if you would prefer the peace of mind and have one of our experts at Clear Click set this up, feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

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