Email Marketing

Ignite Customer Engagement with Dynamic Email Marketing

Experience the art of customer engagement through the strategic prowess of Email Marketing

Mastering Customer Engagement with Email Marketing

Email marketing is the art of forging meaningful connections with your audience, delivering tailored messages directly to their inboxes. This personalised approach not only fosters engagement but also nurtures brand loyalty and fuels conversions.

By tapping into the power of Email Marketing, you unlock a realm of possibilities where each email becomes a chance to captivate and convert users into loyal customers.

Transformative Benefits: Email Marketing

Amplified Reach and Engagement

Email marketing allows you to bypass the noise of social media and search engines, delivering your message straight to your subscribers' inboxes.

Precision Targeting

Our strategic approach involves segmenting your audience based on demographics, behaviours, and preferences, enabling us to deliver content tailored to their unique interests.

Scalable and Cost-Effective

Experience the efficiency of Email Marketing as a cost-effective solution that scales with your business. Unlike traditional marketing channels, email campaigns are budget-friendly yet highly impactful.

Navigating Email Marketing Excellence

We understand that Email Marketing is not just about sending emails; it's about crafting compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Our seasoned professionals possess a deep understanding of the digital landscape and the nuances of customer engagement. From strategy development to content creation, we seamlessly blend creativity and data-driven insights to create campaigns that stand out in crowded inboxes


Strategy and Segmentation

Compelling Content Creation

Automation and Personalisation

Analytics and Optimisation

Discover our latest Email Marketing articles

Alistair Mains
Influencing Multi-Channel Marketing Using the Customer Journey
September 8, 2023
• 4 min read

Influencing Multi-Channel Marketing Using the Customer Journey

In the fast-changing digital marketplace, connecting with customers across different touchpoints to enable and deploy a multi-channel marketing strategy has become very challenging. Because of this, understanding the customer journey has become a very important part of marketing. This article looks at how businesses can employ a structured approach to multi-channel marketing by mapping the customer journey. Throughout this blog we’ll look at ways to boost engagement, build loyalty, and achieve higher conversion rates.

Understanding why Customer Journeys are Important

Consumers connect with brands through a multitude of online and offline channels. Making these experiences fit together is important. This is exactly why businesses can benefit from customer journey mapping. It's a way to see how potential customers connect, decide, and feel at each step of their journey from online user to customer. By understanding these intricate details, valuable insights into user behaviour and preferences can emerge, better informing business wide decision making.

Research from Harvard Business Review shows that businesses prioritising customer journey optimisation have a 54% higher return on their marketing investment.

Buyer Personas in the Customer Journey

Creating an effective customer journey begins with identifying your target audience's buyer personas, and the touchpoints they have with your business. Online touchpoints can range from brand discovery in a social post, customer re-engagement from an email marketing campaign, or first-time purchase on your ecommerce store. Offline touchpoints could include visiting a brick-and-mortar store, or experience after sales with a customer service representative.

How to Start Mapping the Customer Journey

Customer journeys comprise various stages, from knowing, to thinking, and finally, deciding. By mapping each step of the customer journey, businesses can ensure they are offering consistent and personalised experiences. And, at each step of the journey, adjusting the content and messaging to resonate where customers are in their journey, the platform they are using, and what their needs are at that point in their journey.

Designing a thoughtful customer journey relies on understanding customer personas. Knowledge of who your target audiences are and how they interact with different marketing channels helps facilitate the design of multi-channel marketing strategies. Whether through social media, paid search, SEO, or email marketing, the goal is to provide a consistent and seamless experience aligned with user expectations.

Tailoring Experiences in the Customer Journey

Personalisation is extremely important in mapping the customer journey. Using data from online platforms such as CRM Software or Google Analytics you can begin to take a data-driven approach to customising the user experience. For example, segmenting audiences in a CRM database by a customer's product preference gives you the ability to personalise remarketing ads they see from your business.

Alternatively the same audience could be used to deploy a personalised email campaign, suggesting products based on their previous interests or purchases with your business. In an otherwise disconnected digital environment, having the ability to personalise content and messaging can make customers feel more connected with your business.

Gathering data from various touchpoints provides valuable information about customer behaviour, preferences, and where they face difficulties. According to research by McKinsey Digital, businesses that employ data-driven insights in their customer journey strategies see an average of 15% increased revenue and 20% increase in customer satisfaction.

Brand Consistency Across All Channels

Today’s audiences seamlessly move between digital touchpoints. It’s important businesses maintain a consistent user experience during these shifts. Whether a user discovers your brand on social media and browses your website or mobile app before making a purchase, the journey should be coherent and seamless, maintaining your brand’s identity throughout each touchpoint.Enabling brand consistency reassures to users that regardless of where they interact with your business, they will be met with the same quality. This consistency breeds trust and reinforces brand credibility.

Refining the Customer Journey

An effective customer journey is a dynamic tool that influences decision making and evolves over time. We encourage businesses to regularly monitor customer feedback and performance metrics, specifically to identify parts of the journey that lead to inefficiencies. Businesses and marketers must be prepared to iterate and adapt to the journey as customers' needs and behaviours change over time.

Final Thoughts

A well-structured and informed customer journey is key to deploying a successful multi-channel marketing strategy. Businesses must organise touch points, understand customer intent, and use data insights to nurture audiences towards meaningful interactions and brand loyalty. It’s evident that a customer journey is more than a series of events. It’s a narrative shaping perceptions, building relationships, and driving growth.

Similar to the exploration of multi-channel marketing, skillfully mapping your customer journey will enhance engagement and provide personalised experiences that today's consumers seek.

A businesses commitment to optimising the customer journey mirrors its dedication to understanding, serving, and fulfilling its audience’s needs.

Alistair Mains
A Comprehensive Guide to Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy
August 23, 2023
• 4 min read

A Comprehensive Guide to Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy 

In today's digital environment, businesses are faced with the challenge of reaching their target audience across many platforms and touchpoints. This challenge has given rise to the concept of multi-channel marketing, a strategy that empowers businesses to connect with their customers seamlessly across different channels. This guide will uncover insights that will help you start to craft a powerful multi-channel marketing strategy.

What is Multi-Channel Marketing?

At its core, multi-channel marketing refers to the strategic approach of using multiple communication channels to engage with customers. These channels can encompass both digital and traditional mediums, such as social media, online advertising, targeted email campaigns, SMS, print media, and more. The goal is to provide a consistent and cohesive brand experience to customers, regardless of the channel they choose to interact with.

The Benefits of Multi-Channel Marketing

Businesses seeking a competitive advantage can leverage multi-channel marketing's benefits including;

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By engaging with potential customers on platforms they frequent, multi-channel marketing enhances the customer journey, contributing to a more personalised experience.

  • Increased Brand Visibility: Having brand presence across diverse channels enhances brand recognition and recall, reinforcing your brand's presence to your target audience.

  • Higher Engagement: Each marketing channel presents unique opportunities for engagement. Through cross-channel strategies, tailor your content to resonate effectively with your audience, translating into heightened engagement rates.

  • Improved Conversion Rates: The potential to reach customers across multiple touch points can result in improved conversion rates. According to a study by Omnisend, businesses utilising three or more channels in their marketing strategies experience a 287% higher purchase rate compared to single-channel efforts.

    Source: Omnisend study.

  • Data-Driven Insights: The multi-channel approach allows for the collection of data from various sources, offering invaluable insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

How to Create a Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is pivotal. Investigate their preferences, behaviours, and communication habits across different channels to tailor your strategies.

  • Channel Selection: Not all channels hold equal relevance. Opt for channels aligned with both your audience's preferences and your brand's identity.

  • Consistent Messaging: Unify your brand message across all channels to maintain a seamless brand identity, preventing confusion for customers.

  • Personalisation: Customise your content for each channel's unique characteristics. What resonates on social media might not translate well in an email campaign, highlighting the importance of personalisation for enhanced customer engagement.

  • Timing is Key: Strategic timing plays a pivotal role in multi-channel marketing. Understand when your audience is most active on each channel to optimise your content distribution.

  • Measurement and Analysis: Incorporate attribution models to gauge the effectiveness of each channel. Regular data analysis will uncover trends and areas for improvement. According to Salesforce, companies that use data-driven marketing are six times more likely to be profitable year-over-year.

    Source: 2023 Salesforce Blog 

Insights from Industry Experts

Understanding your audience in as much detail as possible is absolutely critical when running multi-channel campaigns. So conducting customer & market research should always be a start-point. You have to collate evidence to support your decision making when it comes to channel selection, and this should ideally be driven by 1st party data. If research & planning is done correctly, it should ultimately lead to less failed experiments and more successful campaign execution.” - Peter Graham from Bridge Interactive.

Attribution Models in Multi-Channel Marketing

Understanding the contribution of each channel to customer engagement and conversions is important. This is where attribution models can help, providing insights into how various touch points work together to drive results. Let's look into the significance of attribution models and how they can provide insights into your multi-channel marketing strategy.

What are Attribution Models?

Attribution models are frameworks that assign credit to different touch points along the customer journey, helping you comprehend what role each channel plays in influencing customers. While various attribution models exist, three common ones are:

  • First-Touch Attribution: This model attributes the entire credit for a conversion to the first interaction a customer has with your brand. For instance, if a customer discovers your brand through a social media post and later makes a purchase after receiving an email, the credit would go to the social media.

  • Last-Touch Attribution: In contrast, last-touch attribution attributes the conversion to the final interaction before a conversion. In the same example, the email touchpoint would receive full credit for the conversion.

  • Multi-Touch Attribution: Recognising that multiple touchpoints contribute to a conversion, this model distributes credit across various interactions in the customer journey. Each touchpoint receives a portion of the credit based on its influence.

The Use Case for Attribution Models

In the world of multi-channel marketing, customers often engage with several touchpoints before making a decision. Attribution models provide clarity into the customer journey, enabling you to allocate resources more effectively. By understanding which channels contribute most to conversions, you can fine-tune strategies, optimise content, and enhance customer experiences.

How to Implement Attribution Models

  • Choose the Right Model: Select an attribution model that aligns with your goals and the complexity of your sales process.

  • Data Integration: Collect data from various channels and sources to gain a comprehensive view of customer interactions. Marketing automation tools such as HubSpot can assist in aggregating data for analysis.

  • Test and Refine: Regularly evaluate and adjust your chosen model to reflect changes in customer behaviour and marketing strategies.

  • Consider Cross-Channel Interactions: Multi-channel marketing often involves cross-channel interactions. Ensure your attribution model accounts for the synergies between channels.

  • Holistic Approach: Avoid solely relying on a single attribution model. Instead, consider using multiple models to gain a well-rounded perspective on your marketing efforts' impact. Google Analytics 4 has a model comparison tool which can be used to compare how different models impact the valuation of your marketing channels.

Attribution Models in Action

Imagine you're marketing your brand. A potential customer discovers your brand through a Facebook ad, then later watches a YouTube tutorial showcasing your products, and finally makes a purchase after receiving a personalised email with a special offer. In this scenario:

  • First-Touch Attribution: Facebook receives full credit for the sale.

  • Last-Touch Attribution: Email marketing takes all the credit.

  • Multi-Touch Attribution: Facebook, YouTube, and Email each receive a portion of the credit, recognizing their combined influence in the customer's decision-making journey.

By implementing a suitable attribution model, you'd gain insights into the significance of each touchpoint, enabling you to allocate resources and refine your strategies accordingly.


Embracing multi-channel marketing reshapes how businesses connect with their audience. By offering a seamless experience across diverse channels, you amplify customer engagement and increase the likelihood of transforming potential leads into loyal customers. This approach, coupled with the implementation of attribution models, allows you to navigate the multi-channel landscape with precision.

Just as every touchpoint contributes to a customer's journey, every data point, illuminated by attribution models, contributes to refining your approach and enhancing the impact of your multi-channel strategy.

At Clear Click, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that the multi-channel marketing presents. If you're considering deploying an effective marketing strategy, our expert team is here to help guide your journey. Feel free to contact us today to start your journey towards achieving excellence in multi-channel marketing.

Amelia Aston
Prosperity Over Profit – Social Responsibility at Clear Click
February 2, 2023
• 4 min read

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is something that many companies regard as a nice-to-have, a way to virtue signal, or a way to limit the harm their business causes in terms of things like emissions. This is not how we see social responsibility at Clear Click. Today, we’re taking a closer look at what the term means to us and what our goals are in terms of giving back.

Why we invest in corporate social responsibility as an SME

The website Investopedia has this to say about corporate social responsibility:

 “Companies that adopt CSR programs have often grown their business to the point where they can give back to society. Thus, CSR is typically a strategy that's implemented by large corporations. After all, the more visible and successful a corporation is, the more responsibility it has to set standards of ethical behaviour for its peers, competition, and industry.”

We don’t think this is enough. Social responsibility shouldn’t be regarded as something that companies have to do in order to appease stakeholders and appeal to the wider public. It’s also not something that should be left only to large corporations with similarly large budgets. 

We all inhabit the same communities and the same planet, so caring for them is on all of us. Businesses of all sizes can find corporate social responsibility initiatives they can get involved in and excited about – and the benefits of this spread wider than you may think.

The three Ps of social responsibility

The author and entrepreneur John Elkington came up with the term “triple bottom line” in 1994. It’s a framework often represented as a Venn diagram comprising of what are called the three Ps: people, planet and profit. Where these three meet is where you can find sustainability.

However, in 2019, he announced in the Harvard Business Review that he’d like to recall the term. Why?

The reason was certainly not that the need for corporate responsibility had diminished in any way. If anything, it’s needed now more than ever. Instead, Elkington argues that the true meaning of the so-called three Ps has been lost or misinterpreted.

The triple bottom line is often described as an accounting tool, but it was meant to be much more than that – it was meant to make us all think about the future of capitalism and bring forth innovation and disruption. Too often, the focus of the people and planet part of the equation focuses only on limiting harm, while pursuing profit – simple revenue – remains the most important part.

People and planet

In terms of the triple bottom line model, “people” refers to:

  • Your employees
  • Their families
  • Customers
  • Community
  • Suppliers

People-centric social responsibility schemes may involve different philanthropic projects such as employee wellness programmes and donations and volunteer days at things like cancer charities or food banks.

Meanwhile, “planet” encapsulates the impact the business has on the environment, including limiting its carbon footprint as well as its use of natural resources and toxic materials (limiting harm). It also entails proactive initiatives around things like the removal of waste, reforestation and other restoration projects (making progress).

Profit vs prosperity

Profit is where many organisations fundamentally misinterpret the triple bottom line. Profit is too often reduced to simple financial profit when John Elkington meant the word in a much broader sense, including wider economic impact such as:

  • Creating employment
  • Generating innovation
  • Paying taxes
  • Creating wealth

This definition of profit has much wider implications that can positively impact people and the planet. It has more focus on social than financial profit. For this reason, it might make more sense to think about this part of the triple bottom line equation as prosperity rather than profit. This word is closer to the kind of economic impact originally implicated in the framework.

Clear Click’s CSR commitments

We subscribe to the idea that corporate social responsibility should entail not just limiting harm, but actively making progress in terms of people and the planet. We also believe that doing good business means much more than simple financial profit. For this reason, we want to put our money where our mouth is.

This means creating an organisation that’s not only a great place to work and do business with, but that also gives back – not as a way to simply reduce harm or as a PR trick, but as a way to make a genuine positive difference.

At present, Clear Click is signed up for Ecologi’s Climate Positive Workforce® initiative. Ecologi is a UK-based social enterprise aimed at offsetting business carbon emissions by investing in carbon avoidance projects and planting trees to help combat rising temperatures. The Climate Positive Workforce® initiative plants ten trees a month and reduces nine tonnes of carbon emissions annually for each employee.

We see this as only the beginning of Clear Click’s social responsibility journey. As we go forward, we want to identify and invest in worthy causes that support people and the planet. Have any ideas for where we could make a difference? Drop us an email and let us know!