Wigwam consistently achieving 40:1 ROAS from Paid Search

Technology Partners
HubSpot & SEMrush


Wigwam® Holidays, a rapidly growing alternative holiday brand in the UK, offers high-quality and affordable glamping experiences across over 80 locations in the country. As a pioneer in the industry, Wigwam® has a history of introducing innovative solutions such as the first-ever en-suite cabin and the UK’s first wheelchair-accessible glamping 'pod.' With an aim to stand out in a highly competitive market, Wigwam® seeks excellence and innovation. Clear Click, sharing similar values and ambitions, became Wigwam®'s digital marketing partner in early 2022.


Streamlining the onboarding process for Wigwam® Holidays

When Wigwam® Holidays decided to switch to Clear Click as their digital marketing partner, they knew that the onboarding process had to be as smooth and efficient as possible. With years of experience with their previous supplier, they were looking for a partner who could quickly and seamlessly integrate with their team. Clear Click delivered, providing technical expertise and in-depth audits of historical data to inform their strategy. By quickly establishing a strong working relationship, Clear Click was able to provide insights on budget allocation, best practices, and tactics to achieve Wigwam® Holidays' marketing and business objectives, paving the way for a successful partnership.

Harnessing data for business growth

With a franchise business model and large in-house team, Wigwam® needed a reporting methodology that allowed stakeholders to access detailed performance metrics. Clear Click recognised that data-driven decision making was key to achieving business growth, and worked with Wigwam® to develop a built-for-purpose reporting framework. By presenting actionable insights to key stakeholders, Clear Click helped Wigwam® make informed decisions that positively impacted the business and highlighted areas of strength.

Achieving ambitious revenue targets by scaling a complex Google Ads account

To help Wigwam® Holidays achieve their revenue goals, Clear Click was tasked with scaling their already successful Google Ads account. The challenge was to increase monthly revenue by 150% while maintaining a stable return-on-ad-spend (ROAS). Our PPC team developed a strategy to achieve this goal, leveraging the complexity of the account and the client's unique business model, we are delighted to report that we not only met but exceeded the revenue target, achieving a remarkable 400% increase in monthly revenue.

Leveraging Meta Ads for rapid growth

Wigwam® Holidays engaged Clear Click to build a compelling business case for deploying Meta Ads at scale, with the goal of boosting bookings and revenue. This presented a unique challenge, as the team needed to quickly test hypotheses and devise an effective strategy based on the available data. Despite the added complexity of meeting the client's desire for speedy results, Clear Click's paid social team rose to the challenge and successfully delivered a Meta Ads strategy to drive rapid growth in bookings and revenue.


Streamlining communication for enhanced partnership

To improve communication and collaboration, Clear Click implemented a Slack environment for the Wigwam® Holidays, which allowed for faster sharing of deliverables and reduced the time spent on emails and phone calls. The flexibility to add or remove team members on both sides helped manage stakeholders efficiently. With this effective communication, Clear Click provided Wigwam® Holidays with data-driven insights and a clear roadmap of deliverables, fostering a strong foundation of the partnership.

Data reporting for Wigwam Holidays: integrating advertising platforms and third-party software

Meticulous planning in creating the Google Data Studio Dashboard ensured that it was delivered on time, surpassing the expectations of all Wigwam Holidays stakeholders involved. The 8-page dashboard integrates data from all relevant advertising platforms and third-party software, providing an easy-to-understand visual representation of large datasets. The report is regularly monitored and updated by the Clear Click team, but its automated refreshing system eliminates the need for time-consuming manual manipulation of graphs and numbers.

Utilising historical data to drive revenue growth with a test-and-learn approach

Clear Click's PPC team used Wigwam's® historical data to identify trends and create hypotheses based on real-time data. With the help of an in-house forecasting model, Clear Click provided the client with an accurate representation of how much revenue could be expected within two months. This allowed for clear expectations and accountability among stakeholders. Using a test-and-learn approach, Clear Click was able to quickly identify successful campaign types and optimise accordingly. As a result, within just one month of taking over the Google Ads account, revenue increased by an impressive 80%.

Performance Marketing Report

Building a Meta Ads strategy with targeted messaging for local audiences

Our test-and-learn strategy quickly evolved to focus on building relevant advertising that spoke to Wigwam® Holidays' target audience at the right time and in the right location. With over 80 sites across the United Kingdom, our team was able to create highly segmented custom audiences in our remarketing funnels. By using seasonality in advertising content, Clear Click kept the messaging fresh and engaging for users across the Meta ecosystem, reducing audience churn rate. This targeted approach resulted in significant success for Wigwam Holidays' Meta Ads campaigns.


Increase in monthly revenue


Increased in Google Ads revenue in the first month


Constant ROAS from Paid Search
It has been fantastic to see the results come in for our national PPC and SEO campaigns. Their communication is great and as a company we are very satisfied.

Christo Gallagher

Digital Marketing Manager